Housing and family: intergenerational relationships in the residential strategy
A case study of the co-habitation of three generations in a migrant family in Shanghai
- « Zhufang yu jiating : juzhu celuo zhong de daiji guanxi – shanghai yimin jiating sandai tongju gean diaocha 住房与家庭:居住策略中的代际关系 – 上海移民家庭三代同居个案调查», Qinnian yanjiu, 2011 n°6, p.33-42.
Full text available in Chinese on the CNKI : http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-QNYJ201106005.htm
The residential strategies, including the motivation of house – purchasing, the selection of house-types and the arrangement of residential space, are all closely related to the family relationships. On one side, the use of residential space reflects the conflicts and compromises among family members. On the other side, it also contributes to shape the family relations. Through observations and interviews with family Li (a migrant family of three generations in Shanghai), this paper examines the role of housing in defining the intergenerational relationships from the two angles of residential track and space practice. It also attempts to disclose in-depth family relationships and its evolution behind the space of everyday life.
购房的动机、住宅类型的选择和住宅空间的安排等居住策略与家庭 关系紧密相关。对住宅空间的使用一方面体现着家庭成员的冲突和妥协,另一方面也形塑着家庭内部的人际关系。本文通过对上海移民李先生一家三代同居生活的观 察和访谈,从居住轨迹和空间实践两个角度来考察住房在代际关系形成过程中所扮演的角色,并揭示住宅空间背后深层次的家庭关系及其变化。