Tag Archives: yaan

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy folks, Elosua Miguel


Practiced at dawn and dusk in most towns around China, so-called “fitness dancing” fulfils two basic roles: on the one hand, it helps locals to keep fit and, on the other hand, it strengthens community ties. The dance is usually carried out in public squares, and everybody is welcome to join in. Music is played from a tape recorder and varies according to the region. In multi-ethnic Sichuan, Tibetan songs and dances are a staple, although they are combined with the latest hits. Movements tend to be synchronized in the first few rows, the place where regulars dance. Neophytes stay behind closely following the moves of the more experienced dancers in front. The spontaneous public gathering evokes the origins of primitive dancing, when humans started to forge their collective identity, something that the Chinese highly value.

Miguel Elosua

Spanish qualified lawyer; PhD in Chinese Law. UrbaChina Research Officer. Has lived in China since 2006.

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