Tag Archives: Xi’an Jiaotong

New MSc programme in Urban Planning at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

This programme is accredited by Liverpool University in the UK but candidates will study in the city of Suzhou, China. The degree is also with recognition of the Ministry of Higher Education, P. R of China.

A generous entry scholarship of 50% of total tuition fee is offered, based on academic merit, for students enrolling in September 2014.

To be considered for the entry scholarship you should submit your application before 1st April 2014.

For more details, please see http://academic.xjtlu.edu.cn/upd/programmes (click on “Masters”)

For more information please contact:


Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Challenges and opportunities for planning the urban-rural fringe

Conference by Giulio Verdini.Lecturer in Urban Planning at the Xi’an Jiaotong 西浦 – Liverpool University, based in Suzhou (China).


The rapid urbanization of China has been characterized during the past years by a unique process of countryside industrialization especially in some key coastal regions, like the lower Yangzi Delta, and has created a particular landscape of scattered industrial areas and new settlements surrounding dense urban areas.  This new spatial structure has merged with the legacy of the previous agricultural socio-economic system and, physically, with a complex system of rural villages.
The countryside in the north of Suzhou, Giulio Verdini

Even if the urbanization has been massive, for example in the conurbation Suzhou-Shanghai, some important areas have been left over and a journey through those areas would reveal today that new forms of peri-urbanity are slowly growing at the fringe of the city. The lecture will provide an opportunity to reflect upon the potential role that the system of rural villages could play in the future of the Chinese city.

Giulio Verdini, urban planner and PhD in Regional Economics from the University of Ferrara, is currently Lecturer in Urban Planning at the Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, based in Suzhou (China). His research interest lies in the area of the management of the urban growth in emerging countries; more specifically in the governance of the city fringe, the urban and rural conflicts, the urban containment strategies.

His research about the fringe of Suzhou is supported by the Suzhou Academy of Philosophy and Social Sciences (2011 and 2012). During February 2013 he is hosted by the Centre d’études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine.


  • 27th FebruaryConference Conference  2013, 15:00-17:00


  • EHESS  –  190-198 avenue de France, Salle 638  –  Paris 75013 Contact



Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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