Tag Archives: urban transformation

Urban Innovation and Upgrading in China Shanty Towns

Ni, Pengfei, Oyeyinka Banji  and Chen Fei. (2015) Urban Innovation and Upgrading in China Shanty Towns : Changing the Rules of Development. Springer. XIII-204 p. ISBN: 978-3-662-43904-3 (Print) 978-3-662-43905-0 (Online)

By using field survey and World Bank investment project evaluation method, this book investigates the experience of slum rebuilding in Liaoning province, China. It figures out that the experience of Liaoning province is relatively successful and can be of great significance for developing countries and regions. The issue of slums is a huge challenge in the process of global urbanization. The population living in slums is 0.8 billion worldwide and the number is still growing. International organizations (e.g., the World Bank) and relevant countries have been working on the rebuilding of slums but only a few succeeded. In recent years, since some scholars believe that government should play dominant role in slums rebuilding, Liaoning province has developed a systematical model in slums rebuilding from 2005. This model emphasizes the guidance of government, market functions, and society involvement. With the application of the new model, Liaoning province has improved 2.11 million people’s living conditions from 2005 to 2010. By introducing the conditions, history, rebuilding process, and rebuilding methods of Liaoning slums, this book provides new information and data for slum rebuilding decision makers and researchers.


Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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RELOCATE’13 Student congress on urban transformation

RELOCATE aims to gather up Architectural Faculty students around the world for developing new forms of design criticism on current architectural, design or urban issues. RELOCATE is envisioned as a series of workshop events aiming to relate architectural education with architectural training and materials and daily issues. In this sense, it tries to support “hands on training” for architecture. RELOCATE takes start with this year’s congress under the name RELOCATE’13.

RELOCATE’13  focuses on urban and social transformation processes through analysis, critics and conceptual interventions.

Participating students will be joining fellow students from Turkey and across the world to debate the raising issues in the area of urban transformation and architectural education in a conference organized by students for students, with the support of staff at Maltepe University’s Faculty of Architecture. The papers will be published in RELOCATE’13 Congress Book.

Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail to relocate@maltepe.edu.trby 1 March 2013.


  • T.C. Maltepe University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey


  • 18-19 April 2013


  • Murat Nizam, Congress Executive Committee  (President)
  • Ilgın Yeşim Eldeş, Congress Executive Committee  (Vice-president)




Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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