Tag Archives: urban-rural

Can rural industrialisation take place while China is in the process of urbanisation?

The gap between urban and rural areas has widened in China since the early 1980’s. Because economic opportunities are found in the cities, millions of peasants have moved to urban centres. The Central government is eager to find solutions to reduce migration flows and rebalance development between rural and urban regions. A possible remedy may be to industrialise these rural regions, so that the inhabitants are willing to stay in their home areas.

In a paper published in 2012, Song Huasheng, Zhu Xiwei (Zhejiang University) and Jacques-François Thisse (Université catholique de Louvain)1 studied the relations between rural industrialisation and urbanisation. According to their research, the two phenomena can take place simultaneously in China. If rural industrialisation is still rather weak in the Western provinces, this is mainly due to the lack of technology in the local firms.  Moreover, these firms have undergone stronger competition from urban companies as a result of the improved transportation infrastructures between urban and rural areas. 

According to the authors, rural industrialisation is conditioned by two factors: greater access, for rural companies, to technologies and better training for rural workers.  The “Go West” development strategy that has been implemented since 2000 includes several measures supporting education in the least developed parts of China.  However, these measures need to be further developed in order to reduce regional inequalities.

There is another measure that would help to industrialise rural areas, namely a reform of rural land ownership and rural land transactions. No real industrialisation can take place if peasants cannot cut their ties to their farm land. The marketisation of rural land would create larger and more efficient agricultural firms, and this would also allow former peasants to create their own local enterprises.  The money collected from land transactions could also be invested in their training.

All this means that rural industrialization cannot be successfully implemented unless distinctions (and inequalities) between rural and urban land statutes disappear.

  1. Song, Huasheng, Thisse, Jacques-François, Zhu, Xiwei. (2012)Urbanization and/or rural industrialization in China. Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 42, Issues 1–2, January 2012, pp.126–134. []

Sebastien Goulard

Ph.D. in political science (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in social sciences (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in international relations (IRIS, Paris), B.A. (Hons) in international political studies (ESE - Nottingham Trent University)

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Undo the discriminatory hukou system to achieve ‘cities of dream’?

1. Chan, Kam Wing. 2013, February 4. Turning China’s cities with invisible walls into cities of dreams. East Asian Forum (accessed 25 April 2013).

2. Chan, Kam Wing. 2013, January 19. China’s hukou system stands in the way of its dream of prosperity. South China Morning Post (accessed 25 April 2013). [Earlier version of 1.]

1. During a widely publicised tour of Shenzhen, China, the new head of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping, called for the realisation of the ‘Chinese dream’ — a great national revival.

Shortly after that, the Chinese character meng (dream) was voted ‘character of the year’ in an online poll of 50,000 people.

As China enters the urban age, a critical part of the Chinese dream is the ‘urban dream’: the promotion of urbanisation to generate household consumption to put the economy on a sustainable footing. This would steer China away from its currentexport- and investment-driven growth model, which has long been considered, even by the government, as ‘unbalanced’ and ‘unsustainable’.

Premier-designate Li Keqiang has championed urbanisation for years. Some media pundits are excited by his talk of a new type of urbanisation, though details are scant. Can he do it right and help China reach its urban dream?

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2. Dreams are in vogue in mainland China. During a widely publicised tour of Shenzhen, the new head of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping , called for the realisation of the “Chinese dream” – a great national revival. Right after that, the Chinese character meng (dream) was voted “character of the year” in an online poll of 50,000 people.

The new year also began with a political storm over a censored article dreaming of Chinese constitutional reform. Whether those dreams are more like a fantasy than realistic hope remains to be seen.

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  • Chan, Kam Wing. (1994) Cities with invisible walls : Reinterpreting urbanization in post-1949 China, Oxford university press, 194 p.
  • Chan, Kam Wing and Will Buckingham. (2008) Is China abolishing the hukou system? The China quarterly, 195, pp. 582-606. [Full text here]
  • 陈, 金永. 2013年05月13. 户籍改革路线图. 财新《新世纪》. [Accessed 28 May 2013].
  • 陈, 金永. 2013年06月1.十五年完成户籍改革. 财新《中国改革》. Dowload PDF here.
  • Kam Wing Chan webpage


Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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