Tag Archives: transport

“The flying Chineseman”

Two weeks ago, a conference and exhibition on private jets was held in Shanghai. This event was widely reported by the media, which put the spotlight on China’s business jet market.

According to these articles, successful Chinese businessmen are more and more interested in acquiring private aircrafts, with a particularly high demand for the most luxurious ones.

However, as noted by Joe Sharkey1, these jets are not often seen in Chinese skies, but instead sit on tarmacs, due to tight control from the government. It is not easy, even for the richest tycoons, to make their latest Gulfstream fly because air transportation is under strict military supervision.

Although these planes are presented as business tools,  they should rather be considered expensive toys. China has already built adequate transport infrastructure (airports, high speed train networks) that make these business planes unnecessary. Moreover, virtual technology makes the use of private planes unnecessary. These jets are often bought to reflect the success of the owner; they are more symbol of social status than a means of transportation.

Still, it seems that China will have to relax airspace transport regulations (several provinces have already started this process)2 because of the rising demand for private jets, especially from members of the upper-middle class who are passionate aboutplanes.  Although the media focuses mainly on Chinese tycoons’ luxury jets, it is easy to imagine that many others will want to learn how to pilot small planes by themselves, if only for leisure.

The USA and then Europe had to adapt their infrastructure to these aviation aficionados by opening small private use airports. Some of the most passionate amateur pilots even chose to live in fly-in communities where they could park their small jet next to their house3. With the development of private aviation in China, similar projects may soon start there as well.

  1. Joe Sharkey (2014, April 15). Rich Chinese flaunt success with big luxury jets. The International New York Times, p.16 []
  2. Lan Xinzhen (2014, March 3). Up, up and away. Beijing Review. Retreived April 20, 2014 from http://www.bjreview.com.cn/business/txt/2014-03/03/content_600495.htm []
  3. Judith S. Wordsworth (2011, September). European residential airparks in the context of local sustainable rural development. European digital landscape. Retrieved April 20, 2014 from http://www.euroga.org/system/1/assets/files/000/000/181/181/6b436e72f/original/European_Airparks_and_Local_Sustainable_Development.pdf []

Sebastien Goulard

Ph.D. in political science (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in social sciences (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in international relations (IRIS, Paris), B.A. (Hons) in international political studies (ESE - Nottingham Trent University)

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Dutch plan to build smart highways

2013年12月份,Studio Roosegaarde公司提出将建造智能公路,目的是要透过简单的技术,让公路的设计更人性化、省能、安全。



Studio Roosegaarde公司介绍智能公路 (Smart Highway 网站): http://www.studioroosegaarde.net/project/smart-highway/



Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Jinqin high-speed rail started operation

未命名Jin (Tianjin) qin (Qinhuangdao) high-speed rail has started operation since December 1st.  This high-speed rail line runs 287 km, from the Tianjinxi Station to the  Qinhuangdao Station. With a maximum speed of 350km, the initial operating speed is 300 km/per hour. The fastest traveling time from Tianjin to Qinhuangdao has hence been reduced to  1 hour 11 minutes, and from Tianjin to Harbin, it now only takes seven hours.






Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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France full electric car-sharing service program expands from Paris to Lyon


Source: La ville inaugure le service d’autopartage bluely la bluecar va électriser Lyon. http://fr.1001mags.com/parution/direct-matin/numero-1364-10-oct-2013/page-12-13-texte-integral

巴黎社会党市长德拉诺埃 (Bertrand Delanoe) 在2007年为了鼓励大众使用脚踏车来减少空气污染与交通壅塞问题,从自行车租用计划Velib (Velos en libre-service pour tous; 简称为Velib) 推行后,把自行车租用的成功经验推广至电动车,让人们将「购买」车与「使用」车的概念分开,透过自助租车服务的100%电动车,以零噪音,零异味、零二氧化碳排放,来减少可以减少巴黎市内私家车的使用,同时也可以减低寻找车位的烦恼。

出租电动车计划的租用费用分为一年、一个月与一星期,巴黎与里昂略有差别,对于新实施的里昂市来说,一年签约金为99欧元 (巴黎为144欧元),约人民币830元,一个月签约金为19,90欧元 (巴黎为15欧元),约人民币167元。


  1. 巴黎Autolib’电动车共享订户突破10万http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/9/15/n3964739.htm []
  2. La ville inaugure le service d’autopartage bluely la bluecar va électriser Lyon. http://fr.1001mags.com/parution/direct-matin/numero-1364-10-oct-2013/page-12-13-texte-integral []

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Anhui Yellow Mountain New Countryside Demonstration Project

World Bank. (2013) Environmental management plan for Huangshan. Vol. 6 of China – Anhui Yellow Mountain New Countryside Demonstration Project : environmental assessment . s.l.] ; [s.n.]
http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2013/06/17991582/china-anhui-yellow-mountain-new-countryside-demonstration-project-environmental-assessment-vol-6-6-environmental-management-plan-huangshan (accessed 12 July 2013).


The objectives of the Anhui Yellow Mountain New Countryside Demonstration Project for China are to: (i) submit Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project to the environmental protection departments of corresponding levels and World Bank (WB) respectively, which should be consistent with their respective regulatory requirements. (ii) assist Project Management Office (PMO) in the preparation of all components required in the environmental assessment process of WB (e.g., consultation with affected persons, information disclosure, etc.); and (iii) conduct due diligence according to the relevant requirements of WB for the project or related activities. Negative impacts include: solid waste, traffic, water pollution, noise pollution, health problems, and poor drainage. Mitigation measures include: (1) disposing domestic garbage of construction work by environmental protection department; (2) planning new construction road for connecting road between local village and remote villages; (3) supervising the dietetic hygiene to avoid poisoning accident; (4) clearing up and renovating land after the completion of construction; (5) providing sewage disposal facilities; (6) carrying out labor protection measures of builders and the builders should wear dust mask; and (7) prohibiting construction work during night to avoid noise pollution.



Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Green growth in Stockholm, Sweden

OECD. (2013) Green growth in Stockholm, Sweden. Paris : OECD Publishing. (OECD Green Growth Studies) DOI: 10.1787/9789264195158-en

 This report studies green growth trends, challenges and opportunities in the City of Stockholm, Sweden. It first analyses socio-economic trends and the environmental performance of the city and the county of Stockholm; then it reviews urban policies for land use, transport, buildings, waste, energy and water that contribute to economic growth and reduce pressure on the environment; thirdly assesses Stockholm’s green innovation potential in areas such as cleantech, ICT and university to business linkages; and finally it examines local, regional and national institutions, including horizontal and vertical coordination mechanisms that strengthen cross-sectoral and multilevel govenance for green growth.

Table of contents

  • Foreword and acknowledgements
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Executive summary
  • Economic and environmental trends in Stockholm
  • Policies to further promote green growth in Stockholm
  • Green innovation in Stockholm
  • Governance of green growth in Stockholm

Read the full text on OECD Publishing Read

Downloadable version accessible to subscribers on the OECD iLibrary or to be purchased from the OECD Online Bookshop

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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巴黎交通局呼吁地铁文明创意广告 Be civilized on public transport

轨道交通是各个国家在城镇化进程中的必然选择,透过轨道交通可以优化城市布局并改善人民生活,目前,中国地铁建设仍然方兴未艾,预计到2020年轨道交通将覆盖中国50个城市,总长超过7000公里1。然而,地铁上的不文明现象层出不穷,2013年5月,为改善这些地铁中的不文明,杭州市文明办、杭州市地铁集团更推出了《杭州地铁文明公约》 2,来抑止地铁中的不文明举动发生,原因在于地铁里的不文明若任其发展下去也会导致城市市民基本素质下降。但是,地铁中的不文明现象不仅在中国,在欧洲国家也一直存在。近期,掌管巴黎所有大众交通工具的巴黎交通局RATP推出一系列倡导广告,藉此呼吁巴黎市民「Restons civils sur toute la ligne (一同保持地铁里的文明行为)」 3

广告1标语 : 「将口香糖吐到垃圾桶里的人,鞋底就可以少黏到一点口香糖」


广告2标语 : 「去程把坐位弄脏的人,回程可能会把自己的衣服弄脏」


广告3标语 : 「在手扶梯亲热的人,会导致后方人潮拥塞」


广告4标语 : 「拿掉背包,就可以在旅行途中少阻挡到他人」


据 RATP 统计,五大地铁不文明行为包括: 讲电话音量过大、逃票、将报纸或杂物随意丢弃在地铁车厢内、在车厢内未先进后出、在手扶梯上未靠右站立4

  1. 2020 Nian guidao jiaotong jiang fugai zhongguo 50 ge chengshi chao 7000 gongli 2020年轨道交通将覆盖中国50个城市 超7000公里 http://www.china.com.cn/news/env/2012-11/10/content_27066046.htm  (accessed 1 July 2013 []
  2. “Hangzhou ditie wenming gongyue” zhengshi fa bu 《杭州地铁文明公约》正式发布 http://hangzhou.zjol.com.cn/system/2013/05/29/019370434.shtml (accessed 1 July 2013) []
  3. 巴黎是继英国伦敦在1863年之后,世界上第二个拥有地铁的国家。巴黎地铁自1900年营运至今,每天有超过10万人次使用RATP的网络交通。 []
  4. Campagne RATP : saison 2 de « Restons civils sur toute la ligne » http://www.ratp.fr/fr/ratp/r_68230/campagne-ratp-saison-2-de-restons-civils-sur-toute-la-ligne-/ (accessed 1 July 2013). []

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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China’s “Look South”: China-Myanmar transport corridor

Fan, Hongwei (2011). China’s “Look South”: China-Myanmar transport corridor. Ritsumeikan international affairs 10, 43-66.

This article discusses the plan and construction of SinoMyanmar transport corridor and analyzes its implication from four dimensions: history, regional cooperation, China’s overall strategy and Yunnan’s perspective. The corridor is one part of an ambitious scheme that will put the provincial capital of Kunming at the centre of a regional free trade zone. The project is mainly motivated by China’s economic and political-cum strategic considerations, and will draw closer bilateral geopolitical and economic bond. It will not only further integrate two countries’ economy but combine both political and strategic interests. Thus, it contains India’s influence in Myanmar, and finally expands its strategic influence into Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. Also, Naypyidaw’s isolation by western countries and the project of China-Myanmar oil & gas pipelines have given China favourable opportunities to realize its old dream of China-Burma/Myanmar transport link.

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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