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Round table panel for Marie-Claire Bergère’s new book

chinecapitalismeFor the release of Marie-Claire Bergère’s book (Marie-Claire Bergère, Chine, Le nouveau capitalisme d’état, Paris, Fayard, 2013, 312 p.) a panel presided by Frédéric Obringer (director of the CECMC, CNRS) will bring together, in the presence of the author:

Historian on modern China, of which she has studied the changes for the last forty years, Marie-Claire Bergère returns to the hybrid nature of the Chinese regime. She shows how the reforms launched since 1980 are conducted in an authoritarian manner by an elite whose goal is not to create a capitalist system, but to best use the market resources to develop the wealth of China, strengthen its power and preserve the Party monopoly.

Other publications by Marie-Claire Bergère:

Full text of book reviews in French of  Chine, le nouveau capitalisme d’État by Alain Roux and by Pierre Haski.


Thursay 16 May 2013, 3 p.m. to 5p.m.


Salle du Conseil A  (basement) EHESS, Bâtiment Le France, 190-198 avenue de France, Paris 75013





Aurélia Martin

Chargée de communications et des médias pour l'UMR Chine Corée Japon (CNRS)

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