Emmanuel Véron (2013) “Rural tourist spaces in the Yangtze River Delta, between town-country integration and rural development”, EchoGéo [Online], n° 26 | published online on 19 December 2013, accessed 06 January 2014. URL: http://echogeo.revues.org/13607 ; DOI: 10.4000/echogeo.13607
Domestic tourism in China is still a little discussed topic in French geography. However, the touristic phenomenon is under diversification and maturation. The recent interest of city dwellers to discover and travel to the countryside as an “elsewhere whishes” gives new perspectives in geography, in particular, new relationships between urban and rural world. The national policy of rural modernization “construction of new socialist countryside” from the 11th five year plan (2006-2010) provides a rural tourism planning. We take the lower Yangzi area to exemplify a spatial organization of rural tourism around Shanghai.
The evolution of a domestic tourism industry: a new interest for the countryside
Free time, leisure time
Increased tourist mobility on the city outskirts
A fresh appreciation for the countryside?
Typology of revitalised spaces for and by tourism: the result of a new rurality
The villages and water towns of Jiangnan
Chinese rural guesthouses or Nongjiale
Parks and agritourism
The spatial organisation of rural tourism in the outskirts of Shanghai
The expansion of tourism to the rural outskirts beyond municipal boundaries
The municipal territory of Shanghai, leisure outskirts of an emerging metropolis?
Around the Lake Tai: a tourism strategy for short stays
New urban-rural relationships: the role of rural tourism
The article is written in French. Read it here.