Tag Archives: Regional development

Working paper UrbaChina no.3 now online

The UrbaChina team is pleased to announce the publication of the 3d UrbaChina working paper entitled “Urbanisation in China: regional development and co-operation among cities“.

This paper, edited by prof. Du Debin (HUADA) and prof. Huang Li (HUADA), examines the regional patterns of urbanisation in China and co-operation among Chinese cities. By studying the case of Shanghai, the authors show that the central government’s objective is to develop regional urban clusters and to promote exchanges and relations on a regional basis.

The UrbaChina working paper no.3 is now available on open access at the hal-FP7 UrbaChina paper collection.

Recommended citation: Du, D. & Huang, L. (2014). Urbanisation in China: regional development and co-operation among cities (UrbaChina Working Paper no.3, July 2014). Paris: CNRS. Retrieved from http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01023259

Sebastien Goulard

Ph.D. in political science (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in social sciences (EHESS, Paris); M.A. in international relations (IRIS, Paris), B.A. (Hons) in international political studies (ESE - Nottingham Trent University)

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