Tag Archives: Myanmar

China’s “Look South”: China-Myanmar transport corridor

Fan, Hongwei (2011). China’s “Look South”: China-Myanmar transport corridor. Ritsumeikan international affairs 10, 43-66.

This article discusses the plan and construction of SinoMyanmar transport corridor and analyzes its implication from four dimensions: history, regional cooperation, China’s overall strategy and Yunnan’s perspective. The corridor is one part of an ambitious scheme that will put the provincial capital of Kunming at the centre of a regional free trade zone. The project is mainly motivated by China’s economic and political-cum strategic considerations, and will draw closer bilateral geopolitical and economic bond. It will not only further integrate two countries’ economy but combine both political and strategic interests. Thus, it contains India’s influence in Myanmar, and finally expands its strategic influence into Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. Also, Naypyidaw’s isolation by western countries and the project of China-Myanmar oil & gas pipelines have given China favourable opportunities to realize its old dream of China-Burma/Myanmar transport link.

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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