Tag Archives: HAL-SHS

The sloping land conversion program and rural labor migration

Sylvie Démurger, Haiyuan Wan (2012), Payments for ecological restoration and internal migration in China: the sloping land Conversion program in Ningxia, Working paper, 34 p.

This paper analyses the impact of the sloping land conversion program (SLCP) on rural labor migration in China. We use recent survey data from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and a difference-in-difference approach to assess the impact of the policy on labor migration decision. We find a significant effect of the policy : the migration probability increase due to the SLCP policy amounts to 17.5 percentage points in 2008. Furthermore, we highlight the role of policy duration in strengthening the impact of the program on migration. We also find that young, male and Hui nationality individuals are more likely to be impacted by the policy.

Full text available on the multi-disciplinary open access archive HAL-SHS

Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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Shaping climate policy in the housing sector in northern Chinese cities

Li J., Colombier M. (2012)   Shaping climate policy in the housing sector in northern Chinese cities. Climate Policy 12, 4  pp.  453-473.

What are relevant urban development investment strategies for improving building energy efficiency (BEE) and decarbonizing the urban district heating supply in rapidly urbanizing China? Different trajectories of BEE and energy supply technologies are compared in the urban context in a northern Chinese city. Vigorous improvement of BEE will significantly enhance the prospective financial capacity to facilitate deployment of backstop technologies (e.g. carbon capture and storage) in order to decarbonize the energy supply and achieve the long-term targets of low-carbon buildings. Carbon finance instruments should be used to facilitate public policy to accompany the necessary transition in the urban development process. The government-run efficiency procurement scheme will overcome the problem of insufficient incentive and high transaction costs associated with individual Clean Development Mechanism projects. Appropriate investment strategies (allocation of financial resources over the time frame) will allow local governments to harness the large potentials of carbon emissions mitigation while minimizing the risk of long-term technical lock-in in the built environment in Chinese cities.

Full text available on the multi-disciplinary open access archive HAL-SHS


Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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Emergence of the Shanghai-Yanshan multiyered gateway hub

Chengjin Wang, César Ducruet. (2012) New port development and global city making: emergence of the Shanghai-Yanshan multiyered gateway hub.  Journal of transport geography 25 pp. 58-69.

Planned as Shanghai’s new port, Yangshan is currently expanding its roles as transshipment hub and integrated logistics/industrial center in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper examines the impact of the emergence of Yangshan on the spatial pattern of the Yangtze River Delta since the 1970s, with reference to existing port system spatial evolutionary models. While this emergence confirms the trend of offshore hub development and regionalization processes observed in other regions, we also discuss noticeable deviations due to territorial and governance issues. Strong national policies favoring Shanghai’s vicinity rather than Ningbo as well as the growth of Yangshan beyond sole transshipment functions all contribute to Shanghai’s transformation into a global city.

Full text available on the multi-disciplinary open access archive HAL-SHS


Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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