Tag Archives: Forum

Chinese urbanisation and real estate development

On December 5th, World Chinese Economic Forum was held in Chongqing. City officials, experts and representatives from Chongqing, London, Hong Kong, Sydney, Melbourne and other cities had a discussion about urbanization and real estate development.

 Chen Chengwei, an expert from Australia, ,believes that, judging from the current real estate market and the government’s control measures of the housing market, the real estate prices in some Chinese cities have more space for contraction, especially in the investment housing market. “Due to China’s new urbanization, the real estate market will be released; although the price slump of ordinary housing is unlikely, investors should do some research and analysis before buying and selling and be more cautious in investing,” said Chen.

How the new urbanization construction can be carried out and promoted is another topic that concerned the participating experts and scholars. Former mayor of Melbourne, Su Zhenxi has been committed to researches in sustainable development of world cities. He believes that the reason way China is proposing a “new” urbanization is that the Chinese government will implement measures and policies different from what had been implemented in the past, and that the key is to strike a balance between moderate stable economic growth and environment protection.

Article from http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2014-12/05/nw.D110000renmrb_20141205_2-02.htm111

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Urbachina participated in the 2013 EU-China Urbanisation Partnership forum.

The 2013 EU-China Urbanisation Partnership Forum was held on 21 November in Beijing. During the morning session, François Gipouloux, coordinator of Urbachina, introduced the Urbachina project and gave examples of European smart cities, green cities and compact cities in the Creativity City sub-forum.

The afternoon session was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang of the People’s Republic of China, President Herman Van Rompuy of the European Council, and President José Manuel Barroso of the European Commission attended the signing ceremonies of a series of cooperative documents under the EU/China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

Considering the enormous business opportunities brought about by China’s new urbanisation, Li Keqiang said, in the forum, that industry-academia cooperation is required. Furthermore, European technology and the Chinese market together can boost China’s urban development. Herman Van Rompuy and Jose Manuel Barroso stated that cooperation on urbanisation is an essential part of China-EU relations; it can improve the living standards of people on both sides, promote sustainable development, and achieve common prosperity. Overall, the China-EU cooperation will provide huge benefits.


Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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2013 China international urbanisation forum


本次论坛的主题是“制度与变革”,针对中国城镇化进程中面临的问题与挑战,广泛借鉴国际经验,探索通过制度变革走出一条以人为本,集约、节能、生态可持续 发展的新型城镇化道路。论坛邀请了100多位全球知名的企业家代表、国际专家和中央国务院有关部门负责人、著名专家学者、企业家代表、媒体人以及近百名城市市长参会。


活動相關網址: http://www.town.gov.cn/cszx/csjs/2013czhlt/ygzt/



Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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