Tag Archives: energy efficiency

Urbanisation and green growth in China

OECD (2013), Urbanisation and green growth in China, 102 p.

This working paper assesses national policy and governance mechanisms that can influence green growth in Chinese cities. It applies the OECD conceptual framework for urban green growth to examine the potential challenges and opportunities for increasing economic growth through reducing the environmental impact of urban land use, transport and buildings; through improving water and air quality; and through fostering supply and demand of green products and services. The paper first situates the issue of green growth within the nexus of urbanisation and environmental challenges now facing China. This is followed by a review of environmental and quality of life challenges posed by rapid urbanisation. Opportunities for national policies to influence green growth in four key urban policy sectors are then examined. The paper concludes with an assessment of governance challenges and considers potential changes to facilitate economic growth while reducing the environmental impact of cities.

Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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Energy efficiency policies in China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam

Loïc Chappoz, Bernard Laponche, Global Chance. April 2013. Les politiques d’efficacité énergétique en Chine, Inde, Indonésie, Thaïlande et Vietnam. Document de travail n° 133. http://www.afd.fr/home/recherche/actualites-publications-rch?actuCtnId=97876 [Accessed 4 July 2013]

Most reports dealing with energy efficiency policies concentrate/focus on measures established by OECD countries; this could give the impression that only rich countries make any efforts on this issue. On the contrary: emerging countries just like the poorest developing countries, have understood that efficient energy is essential to their economic development, for a environment friendly development. Amongst these countries China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam have developed – some even for several decades – some interesting policies. The AFD is particularly active in these countries.

This report describes the current demand in total energy in these countries as well as recent trends. It gives details of policies and measures established in terms of energy end-use efficiency.

Download the article (in French)

Aurélia Martin

Chargée de communications et des médias pour l'UMR Chine Corée Japon (CNRS)

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