Dossier “L’Urbanisation en Chine”. China Analysis = Les Nouvelles de Chine, n°42, avril 2013, p. 1-25 (in French)
In 2011, for the first time in its history, China’s urban population overtook its rural population. A historic threshold has been crossed, albeit very late. Indeed, China’s urbanization rate, 51.3% according to the latest official publications, is well below the urbanization rates found in other countries with an equivalent level of development. Prime Minister Li Keqiang is hopeful that the country will overtake the 60% urban population threshold by 2020 and hopes to turn urbanization into a new growth driver for the country by investing in the internal consumption of a well-off and educated urban population as well as the stimulation of regions previously left behind by China’s economic success since the 1990s. However, the authors question the political ambitions for Chinese towns: do they have the means to deal with such rapid urbanization? What can be done to ensure that future urbanization does not repeat past mistakes?
Table of contents (Dossier)
1. Introduction : Une urbanisation à plusieurs vitesses (Camille Boullenois)
2. L’intégration des immigrés de l’intérieur (Marie-Hélène Schwoob)
3. Logement social : les gagnants et les perdants d’un système de plus en plus diversifié (Carine Henriot)
4. On ne pourra pas sortir de « l’airpocalypse » urbaine par des mesures administratives (Giulia Romano)
5. Regarder l’urbanisation en face (Renaud Cruells)