Category Archives: Liu Weidong

On development path of creative industries in urban old industrial area in China: a case study of Shijingshan, Beijing

Yin Yimei 尹贻梅, Liu Zhigao 刘志高, Liu Weidong 刘卫东, Dai Juncheng 戴俊骋, « Chengshi lao gongye qu chuangyi zhuanxing lujing yanjiu: Yi beijing shijingshan yu yi sheng, chongqing daxue 城市老工业区创意转型路径研究:以北京石景山为例 », Dili yu dili xinxi kexue, 2011, Vol. 27, N° 6, pp. 55-60.

The transformation and reconstruction of urban old industrial areas is always an urgent and hot topic to study. In recent years, developing creative industries has become an important strategic initiative of fulfilling old industrial areas′ revitalization in developed countries and regions. The current studies on creative transformation of old industrial areas mainly focus on the status and effectiveness of creative transformation of old industrial zone, but seldom concern the mechanism of transformation from theoretical perspective. In this paper, the theories of path dependence and path creation are employed as the theoretical tools to study on the mechanism and path of the creative transformation in old industrial area, with Shijingshan, Beijing as an example. The paper first explains the concepts of path dependence, lock-in, path creation and their application in explaining the transformation of old industrial area; and then analyzes the historical origin of Shijingshan old industrial areas and its problems, then explores the creative transformation paths of Shijingshan, putting forwards three main paths, i. e., the industrial design and development, digital entertainment and recreation tourism industry; finally, this paper concludes with the responsibilities that the government should take in the transition process.

Other articles written by Liu Weidong in 2011-2012

  • Liu Weidong 刘卫东, Liu Hongguang 刘红光, Fan Xiaomei 范晓梅, Chen Jie 陈杰, Tang Zhipeng 唐志鹏, «Diqu jian maoyi liuliang de chanye – kongjian moxing goujian yu yingyong 地区间贸易流量的产业—空间模型构建与应用» ( Sector-Specific spatial statistic model for estimating inter-regional trade flows: a case study of agricultural, chemical and electronic sectors in China), Dili xuebao, Vol, 67, N°2, 2012, pp. 147-156.
  •  Yang Hongmei 杨红梅, Liu Weidong 刘卫东, Liu Hongguang 刘红光, « Tudi shichang fazhan dui tudi jiyue liyong de yingxiang 土地市场发展对土地集约利用的影响» (Effects of land market development on land use intensity), Zhongguo renkou ziyuan yu huanjing, Vol. 21, N°12, 2011, pp. 129-133.
  •  Liu Weidong 刘卫东, Jin Fengjun 金凤君, Zhang Wenzhong 张文忠, He Canfei 贺灿飞, Liu Zhigao 刘志高, « Zhongguo jingji dili xue yanjiu jinzhan yu zhanwang 中国经济地理学研究进展与展望» (Progress in economic geography 2006-2011), Dili kexue jinzhan, Vol 30, N°12, 2011, pp. 1479-1487.

All the articles are available on the CNKI.

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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