Category Archives: Events

Koshizawa Akira interviewed on the Japanese and Chinese urbanisation processes

Akira Koshizawa is Professor at the Graduate School of Hokkaido University in Japan. From 2001 through 2011, he served as committee member at the Panel on Infrastructure Development of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. His major publication includes: Story of urban planning in Tokyo and  Tokyo’s urban planning project etc. He was awarded the Award for the Promotion of Studies on Developing Economies by the Institute of Developing Economies ((IDE-JETRO).

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Call for Papers: The Social and Cultural Impact of Migration in China

Session: The Social and Cultural Impact of Migration in China

2015 AAG Annual Meeting




21-25 April


Youqin Huang (State University of New York, Albany)
Shenjing He (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)


China is in the midst of an urban revolution, with hundreds of millions of migrants every year. Existing research on migration has mostly focused on migrants themselves and their economic strategies, while their family’s wellbeing, their identity, rights, and citizenship remain under researched. In this session, we hope to join the emerging research shift from focusing on migrants and their economic strategies to the non-economic impact of their migration on people, especially their families (children and parents), and places.


We welcome papers that address any issues related to the social and cultural impact of migration.
Topics may include but are not limited to:

• Wellbeing of their children
• Wellbeing of their parents
• Wellbeing of migrants
• Rights and citizenship of migrants
• Identity of migrant children
• Identity of migrants
• Household formation and family life
• Cultural impact on the origin and destination


If you would like to participate in this session, please send an abstract (max. 200 words) and contact details including affiliation and e-mail address to Youqin Huang ( or Shenjing He ( by 15 October 2014. All accepted contributors will then need to register for the AAG conference online at the AAG website by 31 October 2014 ahead of a session proposal deadline of 5 November 2014.

Aurélia Martin

Chargée de communications et des médias pour l'UMR Chine Corée Japon (CNRS)

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An interview with Han Jun conducted by China Real Estate Business

UrbanisationHan Jun, vice minister of Development Research Center of the State Council, answered several questions, including how to solve the funding issue for local governments in urban development, how to improve the efficiency of urban land use, and what exactly is the path for China’s new urbanisation. The interview was conducted and recorded in Chinese.

















The article in Chinese can be found here:

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Job offer: Technical expert for Franco-Chinese sustainable city project in Wuhan

A position as international technical expert is available at Wuhan in the field of urban planning. There is no fixed date for taking up the post, but 1 October would be preferred.
Seeking an expert with a background in urban planning and speaks fluent Chinese, knowing that a large part of the post’s role will be to ensure proper coordination between multiple French and Chinese actors involved in the Franco-Chinese sustainable city project in Wuhan.
Candidates can apply until 6 August on the following website:

Aurélia Martin

Chargée de communications et des médias pour l'UMR Chine Corée Japon (CNRS)

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People’s Daily on how to achieve a win-win between China’s urbanisation and environmental protection



环境保护是新型城镇化的重点内容。习近平同志在今年党外人士座谈会上提出,要“积极稳妥推进城镇化……始终节约用地,保护生态环境”。国家新型城镇化 规划将“生态环境明显改善,空气质量逐步好转,饮用水安全得到保障”作为重要目标,并提出建立完善生态环境保护制度的任务措施。



吴晓青:中国环境保护从城市起步,改革开放以来取得很大进展。但城镇化的持续深入推进,为环保工作带来了新挑战,环境治理难度在加大。例如,传统的大 气煤烟型污染尚未得到解决, PM2.5、臭氧等新型污染问题又接踵而至;水量性缺水问题尚未得到根治,水质性缺水问题又进一步凸显;生产领域的环境问题 居高不下,消费升级带来的新型环境问题日益突出;传统污染防治问题尚未彻底解决,市民对优质生态产品的需求与对环境健康的关注迅速上升,环境质量改善与市 民预期差距较大;等等。

当前,中国城镇化处于由中期向后期发展的阶段,环境压力将持续加大且短期内难以缓解。预计到2020年中国城镇化率将提升至60%,而城镇化率每提高 1个百分点,将增加城镇人口1300万左右。中国每年增加生活垃圾520万吨左右、生活污水11.5亿吨、多消耗8000万吨标煤。未来中小城镇发展还可 能导致不同区域、城市群间由隔离式的“碎片污染”转为“连片污染”,环境保护将面临更大挑战。






吴晓青:解决这些问题,需要深刻认识环境资源的基础性作用,补短板、强基础、提质量,努力将城镇的发展规模、发展方式、开发强度控制在生态系统和环境资源可承受的范围之内。 补短板,就是向污染宣战,出重拳,用重典,切实解决好关系群众健康的城镇灰霾、水体黑臭、土壤污染等重点问题,让长期超负荷的城镇内河水体、大气环境得到休养生息,大幅提高城镇生态产品、环境公共服务的供给水平。





建立健全城市环境总体规划。城市环境总体规划是“十二五”环保规划提出的一项重要任务和基本制度。总体规划以提升环境服务功能为目标,以生态保护红 线、环境质量底线、环境资源上线等为抓手,为城市建设、资源开发和环境保护提供先导性、基础性依据。目前环境保护部组织的城市环境总体规划试点顺利,下一 步需要扩大试点范围、完善管理制度,提高执行力,加强与城市总规、土地总规及经济发展规划的衔接融合,力促多规融合、一张蓝图干到底。

建立健全城镇建设、重大产业发展、产业园区规划环评体系。将规划环评作为推进新型城镇化的重要手段,强化执行力度。严格控制“两高一资”、产能过剩行 业低水平建设,对环境质量不能满足功能区划要求的项目限制审批。完善城镇环境质量标准、污染物排放标准,推进重点行业清洁生产和提标改造。进一步推进落实 重点区域火电、钢铁、石化、水泥、有色、化工等六大行业以及燃煤锅炉执行大气污染物特别排放限值。强化城镇环境问题诊断、环境资源承载力监测评估等领域科 研突破。支持企业技术减排与环保技术创新,促进产业绿色化、清洁化。

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Miguel Elosua’s thesis defense at ECUPL

Miguel Elosua thesis defense

Miguel Elosua, PhD student at the EHESS,  defended his PhD thesis in law at East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) on 14 June 2014.

Jury membres

  • 段匡 (Duan Kuang) Fudan Daxue Jiaoshou
  • 彭诚信(Peng Chengxin) Jiaotong Daxue Jiaoshou
  • 傅鼎生 (Fu Dingsheng) Huadong Zhengfa Daxue Jiaoshou
  • 张驰 (Zhang Chi) Huadong Zhengfa Daxue Jiaoshou
  • 金可可 (Jin Keke) Huadong Zhengfa Daxue Jiaoshou

Thesis supervisor

  • 高富平 (Gao Fuping) Huadong Zhengfa Daxue Jiaoshou

Thesis title

Nongcun jiti tudi chengshihua de zhidu yanjiu – yi chengxiang tudi liyong yitihua wei shejiao) 农村集体土地城市化的制度研究——以城乡土地利用体制一体化为视角/Study on a system of urbanisation of the rural collective land – Rural and urban integration of the land use system in perspective.

Abstract in Chinese and English

在中国,自从共产党执政以来,土地权利一直就是一个核心问题。在1978年改革进程开始前,土地集体所有制下的土地分配利用一直是农村的主要经济基础,城市和农村之间的土地利用模式之间并不存在任何区别。然而,自1980年代以来,特别是20世纪90年 代,农村土地与城市土地制度开始出现分化,城乡差距也渐渐开始拉大。随着城市土地使用权的商业化流转,城市形成了一个蓬勃发展的房地产市场,极大地为经济 的稳健发展和城市居民的福利作出了贡献。然而,城市所形成的具有社会主义特色和准自由的土地市场,使得城乡土地二元利用体制不断得到深化:城市的土地转 让、出租和抵押,可以充分实现土地的内在价值,然而农村土地却被牢牢禁锢。中国共产党农村土地政策的背后,是共同富裕的理想。然而,中国经过三十多年的快 速经济发展,农村地区却是一直处于一种共同贫穷的境况。农村和城市之间的贫富差距随着经济的发展变得越来越明显。笔者认为这种城乡差距的主要根源之一在于 土地的产权制度即城乡土地二元利用体制。城乡土地二元利用体制已经到了不得不改革的时刻。实现农村的自主城市化发展的路径只能是完全彻底地突破城乡土地利 用二元体制,摒弃现有的以征收为主要方式的土地城市化,归还农村本应当享有的土地发展权,保障在土地城市化进程中农村土地不改变权属地实现商业化和市场 化,实现中国统筹城乡的快速城市化进程。最后,笔者采用比较的角度分析了西班牙产权制度,并且将西班牙土地制度中的有益部分引入中国农村土地自由流转的设 计方案之中。

In China, land rights have always been a central concern for the Chinese Communist Party since it came to power. Before the start of the reform process in 1978, the system of property for collective land was the foundation of the collective economy in rural areas. However, since the 1980s, and especially since the 1990s it has coexisted with an urban system where land has been progressively liberalised. In urban land there is a thriving market in real estate that has contributed greatly to the robustness of the economy and the welfare of urban residents. However, this also led to the increasingly less peaceful coexistence of two diametrically opposed systems of property: a system of collective ownership with socialist characteristics and a quasi free-market system where land can be transferred, leased, or used as collateral, exploiting its inherent value.

Behind the rural land policy of the CCP is the ideal of common prosperity. However, after more than thirty years of rapid economic development, a salient feature of China’s rural areas has been the common poverty of the farmer class as a whole. The economic gap between the rural and the urban has not ceased to increase. The author argues that one of the main causes of this urban-rural gap lies in the dual system of land property rights, which has proved to be flawed, as farmers have been deprived from exploiting the value of their most precious asset: land. Therefore, the author advocates reforming the dual property system, and more specifically, the land-use rights system concerning rural construction land. In order to carry out such a reform the author argues that allowing collectives to fully exercise their property rights, particularly land development rights, is the optimal solution. The author proposes that, during the process of land urbanisation, ownership of land does not change, allowing collectives to develop and market construction land, fostering the countryside’s self-urbanization as the best way to finance their development and to achieve urban-rural integration. Finally, the author uses a comparative perspective analysing the Spanish property rights system as a reference, eventually devising a plan for the liberalisation of the rural land market.

Aurélia Martin

Chargée de communications et des médias pour l'UMR Chine Corée Japon (CNRS)

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New Pathways to Urbanisation

UN-conferenceThe United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the China Energy Fund Committee organised a high-level panel and luncheon on sustainable urbanisation in China on 8 July 2014. Members participated in a lively discussion about China’s new urbanisation.

China is experiencing an unprecedented pace of urbanisation. The implementation of new urbanisation policies will greatly increase market size and create economic growth, such as trade and investment for the entire world. In this process, China can contribute to global environmental protection and climate change. China’s experience can also enrich the global collective experience of urbanisation. Content of the panel discussion and the radio reports can be found at the following links:


Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Media coverage of UrbaChina’s 4th International Conference

CTV News reported on the development of the conference interviewing, among others, UrbaChina’s coordinator François Gipouloux, and LSE professor Athar Hussain.

Captura de pantalla 2014-06-11 a las 11.51.23

Please click on the following link to watch the report:









Miguel Elosua

Spanish qualified lawyer; PhD in Chinese Law. UrbaChina Research Officer. Has lived in China since 2006.

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Policy implementation through the lowest levels of the state

This presentation was given by Stephan Feuchtwang during the 4th international conference of UrbaChina held in Chongqing from May 28th to May 30th, 2014. It shows the results of the fieldwork completed this year in five neighbourhood committees (juweihui-居委会) in Chongqing.

Miguel Elosua

Spanish qualified lawyer; PhD in Chinese Law. UrbaChina Research Officer. Has lived in China since 2006.

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Sustainable City 2014

The International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability addresses all aspects of the urban environment aiming to provide solutions leading towards sustainability.


23-25 September, 2014


Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy


  • Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
  • University of Siena, Italy

The Conference addresses the multi-disciplinary aspects of urban planning; a result of the increasing size of the cities; the amount of resources and services required and the complexity of modern society.

Most of earth’s population now lives in cities and the process of urbanisation still continues generating many problems deriving from the drift of the population towards them. These problems can be resolved by cities becoming efficient habitats, saving resources in a way that improves the quality and standard of living. The process however, faces a number of major challenges, related to reducing pollution, improving main transportation and infrastructure systems. New urban solutions are required to optimise the use of space and energy resources leading to improvements in the environment, i.e reduction in air, water and soil pollution as well as efficient ways to deal with waste generation. These challenges contribute to the development of social and economic imbalances and require the development of new solutions.

 More information at:


Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Special Feature on Internet Governance in China

China Perspectives and Perspectives Chinoises: Call for papers

Much less is known, however, about the more diversified forms of power that are embedded in Internet governance, broadly conceived as the incremental conception, implementation, regulation, management and uses of Internet networks and services. Political positions and ideological visions are embedded in technological choices, from the layout of physical networks and routers to the development of applications like search engines or expression platforms. The crafting, implementation and interpretation of regulatory measures are also of crucial importance in framing the users’ agency, and so do business models, funding or pricing issues among other aspects.

These issues are not only in the hands of central and local governments, but also of a variety of more or less independent agencies like registrars, self-regulation associations, private companies, individual developers and hackers. Users, either individually or collectively, also contribute to building the characteristics of the Chinese Internet, as they may adopt or not online services, complain about particular features or even use them in a way that was not foreseen by the developers or regulators. In other words, these various aspects of Internet governance offer insights on the complex and often ambiguous (power) relationships between the local and central government, private actors and Chinese citizens.

It is all the more important to further document these aspects as China has become more assertive on the global stage, and now strives to push Chinese interests through technological standards, economic and cultural domination and global Internet governance schemes. As a result, Chinese positions carry increasing weight on such global issues as net neutrality, copyright, privacy, or freedom of speech, to mention but a few.

China Perspectives thus plans to publish a special feature on Internet governance in China, which will cover these aspects from a multidisciplinary perspective, including law, political science, political economy, political sociology, communication, or international relations.

Contributions are welcome on such topics as:

  • the political and ideological foundations of Internet development in China
  • the political stakes of technological choices
  • the central / local relationship within the Chinese administration and Internet service providers
  • the role of businesses
  • the political economy of the Internet in China
  • the motivations and stakes of the Chinese positions on global Internet governance innovative usage of Internet services, apps etc.
  • the maker / hacker movement and its role in the development of the Chinese Internet (list not exhaustive)

More information

Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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The resilience of vernacular heritage in Asian cities

Call for papers

This conference focuses on the interplay between cultural practices and the production of urban space and place-making that creates the living vernacular heritages of neighborhoods and communities of the city. Emphasis is given to community efforts and collective empowerment through heritage preservation practices that are found to enhance sustenance of the natural environment as well as resilience towards environmental threats. The attention given to the vitality of vernacular heritage for its own sake and in creating foundations for disaster resilience is an as yet understudied dimension of research on such contemporary issues as the right to the city and spatial justice. Papers on disaster risk reduction for monumental heritage preservation would also be welcomed as long as they discuss the role of ordinary people and communities in constructing their everyday lives in and around these monuments, through which the monuments become meaningful spaces for their everyday life-spaces.

Among the contemporary challenges to the resilience of cities in Asia are those that arise from the disarticulation of relationships among cultural heritage preservation, the production of the urban built environment, and the capacities of ordinary people to engage in city-making by and for themselves. Heritage discourses tend to focus on sites thought to be of World Heritage importance while paying little attention to the living heritages of neighborhoods, artisanal craft and art districts.


31 July 2014

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Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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UrbaChina 4th International Conference in Chongqing



From May 28th to May 30th, the University of Chongqing hosted the 4th International Conference of UrbaChina in Chongqing.

Members of UrbaChina’s consortium gathered at the venue to present and discuss the results of their research. Members of Urbachina’s Scientific committee provided further advice and guidance on current and future research work. The University of Chongqing invited relevant speakers, and students and other interested participants joined the dialogue.

The University of Chongqing offered a calligraphy reading “the new silk road” (xin sichou zhi lu-新丝绸之路), suggesting a new route for research cooperation between Europe and China through Chongqing. Calligraphy is an elevated art form in China, which reflects the importance attached to the word in this country.

Miguel Elosua

Spanish qualified lawyer; PhD in Chinese Law. UrbaChina Research Officer. Has lived in China since 2006.

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Spatial inequality in Asia

Special Session at the 2015 AAG Annual Meeting: The Geography of Inequality in Asia

Inequality is a fundamental issue for human society, a core subject of academic inquiry, and a major concern of governments. There has been a long-lasting debate about the pattern, trajectory, and mechanisms of geographical inequality, as well as policies that address poverty and inequality. This debate has been dominated by convergence (e.g., neoclassical economics) and divergence (e.g., dependency, neo-Marxism) schools. Concerns for the negative effects of globalization and liberalization and the unequal benefits of the transition in socialist countries have generated renewed debates since the late 1980s, which are intellectually enriched by developments in the new economic geography, new growth theory, economic sociology, institutional/evolutionary economic geography, and GIS. Thanks largely to the intensification of globalization and the uneven consequences of the recent global financial crisis, inequality has once again become a hotly debated topic among top world leaders, including those of the United Nations, World Bank and United States.

The geography of inequality has also drawn renewed scholarly interest, but the existing knowledge is fragmented and partial. This session intends to attract scholars with varied backgrounds to examine the dimensions, complexity, and dynamics of the geography of inequality from multiple perspectives.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Outcomes: income, social, health, education, digital, innovation, environmental inequalities, etc., and their interactive effects
  • Trajectory/Dynamics: Timing, effects of intergenerational inequality, levels of development
  • Scale: From global to local and everyday life, with an emphasis on the regional scale
  • Space/Place: Spatial association/agglomeration/clustering, core-periphery relations, uneven nature of inequality, space/place as agents etc.
  • Networks: Spatial relations, flows, interactions
  • Processes/Mechanisms: Globalization, liberalization, marketization, institutional change, decentralization, geography
  • Procedures/Policies: Role of institutions, policy effects and options, justice, planning
  • Methodology: ESDA, spatial regression, GWR, multilevel modeling, spatial Markov chain, spatial distribution dynamics, big data etc.


  • April 21-25, 2015


  • AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill.


  • Yehua Dennis Wei, Professor, Department of Geography and Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah,
  • Sanjoy Chakravorty, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University,

Submission Procedure

  • Please submit your participation/registration fee and abstracts online through the AAG’s website ( We would appreciate it if you would send us your PIN and title at your earliest time, at least two weeks before the AAG official deadline, to give us time to finalize and register the sessions.

 More info at: 


Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Chi-Han Ai’s thesis defense

Chi-Han Ai defended her thesis on 20 May 2014, which was entitled “The development of late arrival clusters in the integrated circuits industry: a study based on knowledge interactions – the cases of Hsinchu Scientific Park, Taïwan, and Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Shanghai” (« Le développement de clusters arrivés tardivement dans l’industrie des circuits intégrés : une approche fondée sur les interactions des connaissances. Les cas du parc scientifique de Hsinchu, situé à Taïwan, et du parc de haute technologie de Zhangjiang, localisé à Shanghai»), and obtained the mention très honorable avec félicitations du jury. Read the summary of her thesis here (in French).1

Thesis supervisor

  •  François Gipouloux

Jury members


Guilhem Fabre, Xavier Richet, Ai Chi-han, François Gipouloux, Sébastien Lechevalier


  1. This article was translated by Aurélia Martin. []

Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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