Author Archives: Chi-Han Ai

About Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

Chinese urbanisation and real estate development

On December 5th, World Chinese Economic Forum was held in Chongqing. City officials, experts and representatives from Chongqing, London, Hong Kong, Sydney, Melbourne and other cities had a discussion about urbanization and real estate development.

 Chen Chengwei, an expert from Australia, ,believes that, judging from the current real estate market and the government’s control measures of the housing market, the real estate prices in some Chinese cities have more space for contraction, especially in the investment housing market. “Due to China’s new urbanization, the real estate market will be released; although the price slump of ordinary housing is unlikely, investors should do some research and analysis before buying and selling and be more cautious in investing,” said Chen.

How the new urbanization construction can be carried out and promoted is another topic that concerned the participating experts and scholars. Former mayor of Melbourne, Su Zhenxi has been committed to researches in sustainable development of world cities. He believes that the reason way China is proposing a “new” urbanization is that the Chinese government will implement measures and policies different from what had been implemented in the past, and that the key is to strike a balance between moderate stable economic growth and environment protection.

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Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Reversed urbanization phenomenon in some regions in China.

The State Council of the People’s Republic of China recently issued a report on the estimated progress of Hukou system reform (关于进一步推进户籍制度改革的意见). In this report, it is estimated that the 100 million farmers with rural status who work in the city will obtain rural Hukou in 2020. However, articles of Economic Information Daily (经考济参报) pointed that the uncertain benefits of changing Hukou status from rural to urban make rural farmers maintain their original Hukou, and that some citizens even want to change their urban Hukou “backwards” into rural ones in order to obtain the benefits, as the benefits of rural Hukou is more certain and substantial than those of the urban ones. This phenomenon, dubbed Reversed Urbanization, can be seen in some regions in Zhejiang, Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Jiangxi.

Ruan Wen-Guang, a government official in charge of the hukou system in Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department, said that with the rapid economic development, the booming of urban and rural construction, and the ongoing readjustment of social benefits, the interest chain behind rural hukou becomes longer and appealing compared with that behind urban hukou. The willingness to transfer into urban hukou and settle in cities will be further decreasing.

Full article in Chinese:




Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Annual report on the health development of China’s new urbanization

下载The 2014 annual report on the health development of China’s new urbanization was published on may 2014. There are four sections in this report, including the general report, the overview researches, the monographic studies, and the case studies. This report gives an in-depth analysis and investigates these following major issues: evaluation system for urbanization and the status quo of China’s urbanization; new choices for new urbanization; spatial distribution; industrial upgrading; labor and employment; the changes of migrant workers; urban planning and urban governance; social construction and equalization of basic public services; ecological construction and carrying capacity of cities; urban and rural development, and institutional innovation.

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Koshizawa Akira interviewed on the Japanese and Chinese urbanisation processes

Akira Koshizawa is Professor at the Graduate School of Hokkaido University in Japan. From 2001 through 2011, he served as committee member at the Panel on Infrastructure Development of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. His major publication includes: Story of urban planning in Tokyo and  Tokyo’s urban planning project etc. He was awarded the Award for the Promotion of Studies on Developing Economies by the Institute of Developing Economies ((IDE-JETRO).

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Human Urbanization workshop

The establishment of the 100-People Forum on China Urban Studies and the Humane Urbanization workshop were held at 9:00 on August 31st 2014 at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Many well-known scholars, including Wu Liangyong(吴良镛), Ni Pengfei (倪鹏飞), Xu Kuangdi (徐匡迪) and Niu Wenyuan (牛文元) attended and gave talks. The conference content can be seen here at the following link.



Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Chinese urbanisation conference call for paper


“The 2015 National Symposium on Land Resources Development and New Urbanization” is organized by Land Resources Research Committee (中国自然资源学会土地资源研究专业委员会) and Agricultural Geography and Rural Development Committee (中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会). The main themes of this symposium include urban land resources renovation, constructions or new technologies of new urbanization, and typical cases or engineering methods of urban land development and new urbanization.

The length of abstract should not exceed 300 words and the deadline is March 30th 2015.

The website of the conference:

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Signal Tree

Travelling in China, you may see a particularly tall tree on a mountain or in a park; its colour is similar to other trees around it. But when you move and look closer and touch this tree, the texture does not feels like tree bark but a plastic surface. It is actually a signal tree, the telecom operators’ idea to preserve the natural landscape. So, signal towers are built in the shape of a tree. This is a construction unique to urban development in China.

signal tree

Image source:

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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An interview with Han Jun conducted by China Real Estate Business

UrbanisationHan Jun, vice minister of Development Research Center of the State Council, answered several questions, including how to solve the funding issue for local governments in urban development, how to improve the efficiency of urban land use, and what exactly is the path for China’s new urbanisation. The interview was conducted and recorded in Chinese.

















The article in Chinese can be found here:

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Pickle Index of China’s urbanisation

榨菜The Pickle index was founded in 2013 by an official of the National Development and Reform Commission. The creator of this index indicated that measuring and observing the sale number of pickles in different provinces can help understand the moving trends of migrant workers. The Pickle index then became an unofficial way to observe population movements in China.

That official found that from 2007 through 2011, the number of pickle sales in Southern China declined from around 50% to 30%. This showed the fast population outflow in Southern China. It was also observed that the sale number increased in Central China by 8%, in the Central Plain region by 3% and in the Northwest region by 2%. These numbers fit with the 2012 annual monitoring report on the observation of migrant workers, which was released by the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China in May 2013.

The Pickle index is an intriguing way to decipher the movements of the migrant worker population. Its findings were discussed widely in China.

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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International experience in urbanisation









Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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“Beauty of China and picturesque countryside” photo competition

A photo competition is being held by the China News Photography Association, the Guangdong Branch of Xinhua News Agency, Xiqiao Town and Nanhai District Committeeon the theme of “Beauty of China and Picturesque Countryside”. While the Chinese government is promoting urbanisation,thiscompetition aims to showcasetheimpact urbanisationhason the natural environment, on Chinese people’s everyday lives, on culture, and on people’s spiritual side.

Submission date: from 18 July 2014 to 30 September 2014

Final assessment: early October 2014

Official Website (


Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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Chinadialogue ( was launched on 3 July 2006 by an independent, non-profit organisation based in London and Beijing. It is a completely bilingual website that focuses on environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and water and food security. A website worth exploring.


Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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International experience for Chinese urbanisation


突出规划先行和政府引导。在城镇化早期,许多国家对城市发展放任自流,导致城市无序发展、贫民窟泛滥、卫生状况恶化、环境污染严重等“城市病”。为 此,英国政府颁布了世界上首部“城市规划法”,成为第一个较为成功地治理“城市病”的国家。德国在道路交通、电力通讯、排水排污等基础设施建设方面注重发 挥规划的指导作用,既立足于当前的实际需要,又着眼于未来的长远发展。日本在20世纪50年代就着手制定一系列国土与区域规划,并根据不同时期、不同地区 的发展不断对其进行调整与修编,还通过制定法律强化其引导作用。挪威、丹麦、美国等则通过开征碳税、对低碳经济实施财政补贴和税收优惠,利用市场杠杆,引 导鼓励企业和社会公众开展低碳行动,促进城市健康发展。

重视环境保护和生态建设。早在19世纪末,英国学者霍华德就提出了“田园城市”理论。英国在伦敦城市规划中提出应设置环城绿带,并于1935年通过 “绿带开发限制法案”,保障环城绿带建设。德国政府每4年出台一轮生态建设计划,要求各地城镇规划和建设必须充分尊重当地的自然条件,追求环境的优美舒适 及人与自然的和谐。荷兰对城市用地和建设规模实行年度计划控制,城镇规划和建设项目要经过严格的环评和审核后方可实施。日本在战后创造了举世瞩目的“经济 奇迹”,但也成为公害泛滥的“污染大国”,为此先后颁布“环境基本法”“公害防止条例”“环境行动计划”等几十项法律法规和行动计划,开展大规模的环境保 护、污染防治和生态建设,经过30多年的努力,恢复了环境的优美清洁。

加强空间管控和集约发展。空间管控作为一种有效的资源调控手段,集约发展作为提高资源利用效率的可行路径,日益成为城镇化和城镇规划的重要内容。早在 1872年,面对西部开发热潮、工业化迅速推进和环境污染日益严重,美国国会就通过黄石法案,成立了世界上第一个自然保护区——黄石国家公园。截至目前, 美国已设立57座国家公园、300多处自然和历史圣地、12000多处历史遗址和保护性建筑。新加坡是集约紧凑型发展的代表,尽管国土面积狭小,但仍留有 60%以上的土地没有开发,是全球在城市内保留大片原始雨林的两个国家之一。

强调城乡统筹和区域协调。大多数发展中国家的工业化和城镇化往往以牺牲农业和小城镇发展为代价,造成农村凋敝、生态空间退化、城乡发展失衡,以及人口 资源向大城市过度集中、环境不堪重负、区域发展失衡等问题。与之相反,欧美、日本等发达国家和地区在城镇化中期就关注并采取措施推进城乡和区域协调发展。 比如,德国采取乡村城镇化、城镇分散化的方式,一方面通过土地整理、村庄更新和产业非农化,促进乡村就地城镇化;另一方面通过城镇分散化,把传统的乡村居 民点直接转为工商业城镇。日本20世纪70年代确立了“大都市圈规划”“地方都市圈规划”“首都圈规划”等,以大城市为依托、以中小城市和小城镇为网络建 设城市群。英国、法国、美国、韩国等也通过实施“城市群”“城市反哺农村”战略,分解大城市环境压力,促进城乡和区域协调发展。

强化智能建设和智慧管理。物联网、互联网、云计算的应用,使得城市信息化向智能化发展。2008年IBM公司提出“智慧地球”概念,在全球掀起智慧城 市建设热潮:新加坡启动“智慧国2015”计划,韩国提出“U—CITY”建设大纲,日本提出“I—JAPAN”智慧城市计划,美国和欧盟国家也推出了智 慧城市建设试点。日本横滨通过智能能源管理,使社区能源消耗降低25%,二氧化碳排放量大大减少。巴西里约热内卢与IBM公司联手建立智能化“城市运营中 心”,强化了城市运营、环境安全和灾害预警的智能化管理。当前,智能化建设和智慧管理已成为各国提高城市效率、减少资源消耗、优化城市环境、增强国际竞争 力的重要手段。

The orginial website :

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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People’s Daily on how to achieve a win-win between China’s urbanisation and environmental protection



环境保护是新型城镇化的重点内容。习近平同志在今年党外人士座谈会上提出,要“积极稳妥推进城镇化……始终节约用地,保护生态环境”。国家新型城镇化 规划将“生态环境明显改善,空气质量逐步好转,饮用水安全得到保障”作为重要目标,并提出建立完善生态环境保护制度的任务措施。



吴晓青:中国环境保护从城市起步,改革开放以来取得很大进展。但城镇化的持续深入推进,为环保工作带来了新挑战,环境治理难度在加大。例如,传统的大 气煤烟型污染尚未得到解决, PM2.5、臭氧等新型污染问题又接踵而至;水量性缺水问题尚未得到根治,水质性缺水问题又进一步凸显;生产领域的环境问题 居高不下,消费升级带来的新型环境问题日益突出;传统污染防治问题尚未彻底解决,市民对优质生态产品的需求与对环境健康的关注迅速上升,环境质量改善与市 民预期差距较大;等等。

当前,中国城镇化处于由中期向后期发展的阶段,环境压力将持续加大且短期内难以缓解。预计到2020年中国城镇化率将提升至60%,而城镇化率每提高 1个百分点,将增加城镇人口1300万左右。中国每年增加生活垃圾520万吨左右、生活污水11.5亿吨、多消耗8000万吨标煤。未来中小城镇发展还可 能导致不同区域、城市群间由隔离式的“碎片污染”转为“连片污染”,环境保护将面临更大挑战。






吴晓青:解决这些问题,需要深刻认识环境资源的基础性作用,补短板、强基础、提质量,努力将城镇的发展规模、发展方式、开发强度控制在生态系统和环境资源可承受的范围之内。 补短板,就是向污染宣战,出重拳,用重典,切实解决好关系群众健康的城镇灰霾、水体黑臭、土壤污染等重点问题,让长期超负荷的城镇内河水体、大气环境得到休养生息,大幅提高城镇生态产品、环境公共服务的供给水平。





建立健全城市环境总体规划。城市环境总体规划是“十二五”环保规划提出的一项重要任务和基本制度。总体规划以提升环境服务功能为目标,以生态保护红 线、环境质量底线、环境资源上线等为抓手,为城市建设、资源开发和环境保护提供先导性、基础性依据。目前环境保护部组织的城市环境总体规划试点顺利,下一 步需要扩大试点范围、完善管理制度,提高执行力,加强与城市总规、土地总规及经济发展规划的衔接融合,力促多规融合、一张蓝图干到底。

建立健全城镇建设、重大产业发展、产业园区规划环评体系。将规划环评作为推进新型城镇化的重要手段,强化执行力度。严格控制“两高一资”、产能过剩行 业低水平建设,对环境质量不能满足功能区划要求的项目限制审批。完善城镇环境质量标准、污染物排放标准,推进重点行业清洁生产和提标改造。进一步推进落实 重点区域火电、钢铁、石化、水泥、有色、化工等六大行业以及燃煤锅炉执行大气污染物特别排放限值。强化城镇环境问题诊断、环境资源承载力监测评估等领域科 研突破。支持企业技术减排与环保技术创新,促进产业绿色化、清洁化。

Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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New Pathways to Urbanisation

UN-conferenceThe United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the China Energy Fund Committee organised a high-level panel and luncheon on sustainable urbanisation in China on 8 July 2014. Members participated in a lively discussion about China’s new urbanisation.

China is experiencing an unprecedented pace of urbanisation. The implementation of new urbanisation policies will greatly increase market size and create economic growth, such as trade and investment for the entire world. In this process, China can contribute to global environmental protection and climate change. China’s experience can also enrich the global collective experience of urbanisation. Content of the panel discussion and the radio reports can be found at the following links:


Chi-Han Ai

Ph.D. candidate of EHESS ( École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) focusing on regional economic development in China and Taiwan.

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