Yang Dongping, ed, Beijing Institute of Technology Chinese Research Perspectives on Educational Development, Volume 2 is an English translation of selected articles from the 2013 Annual Report on Educational Development in China, produced by the 21st Century Education Development Research Academy in China.
In this volume, readers are brought up to date on the main educational issues and events of 2012. 2012, the second year since the Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development 2010-2020 was implemented, witnessed the deepening of education reform in terms of promoting education equity and improving rural education and balanced development of compulsory education. This volume starts with a general report by Cheng Fangping and Yang Dongping that explains the new progress as well as barriers of education reform in 2012. Researchers and practitioners discuss the development and reform of rural schools, education for migrant workers’ children, impacts of educational resources on urban and rural children, new progress of higher education, among other topics in this volume.
Chinese Research Perspectives on Educational Development, Volume 2 informs the Western readers of the current educational development in policy, practice, and research in China.
Chinese Research Perspectives on Educational Development is a co-publication of Brill and Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
Table of contents
General Report: Reform of Education in China Stepping Forward with a Solid Pace and Going a Long Way
Cheng Fangping, Yang DongpingRegional Features and New Issues on the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
Wu ZunminCompetition on the Transition of Primary School Graduates to Junior High Schools in Large Cities and Governance of Mathematical Olympiad Training
Li XinlingAn Investigation of Adjustment of School Mapping in Rural Areas
Wang ShuaiResearch on the Learning and Life of Primary and Secondary Students in Rural Schools
Zhou Jinyan and Qi XiangLocal Practices and Civilian Efforts on Revitalization of Small-Scale Schools in Rural Areas
Lü ChaoNew Progress on Higher Education Reform
Yang MinThe Reform of Enabling Migrant Workers’ Children to Take the College Entrance Exam in the City Where Their Parents Work and Live Moving Forward
Xiong BingqiBeyond Rural and Urban Differences: Impact of Educational Resources and Family Resources on Children from Urban and Rural Areas
Han Jialing, Gao Yong, Zhang Yan, Han ChengmingFrom Shandong to Shanxi Province: A Reflection on the Reform of School Teaching in Primary and Middle Schools
Chai ChunqingNon-Government Funded Education: Development Transition and Policy Innovation
Fang JianfengExploration on Building of Parents Committee in Primary and Middle Schools in Shandong Province
Lu YongjianA Survey on Specially-set-post Teachers in Rural Schools: Present Situation and Issues
Wang Guoming, Wang Xuenan, A Xia Re Ha MoA Report on Surveys of Sensitivity of Equality with Education Expressed by the Public in Some Major Cities of China for the Year 2012
Yang MinAn Analysis of Public Expenditures on Education in 2011
Zhou Ling
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Jacqueline Nivard (April 6, 2014). Chinese research perspectives on educational development. URBACHINA. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/v2qu