Lan, Pei-chia (2014). Segmented incorporation: The second generation of rural migrants in Shanghai. The China Quarterly, 217, p 243-265. DOI:
This article looks at the changing frameworks for the institutional and cultural incorporation of second-generation rural migrants in Shanghai. Beginning in 2008, Shanghai launched a new policy of accepting migrant children into urban public schools at primary and secondary levels. I show that the hukou (household registration) is still a critical social boundary in educational institutions, shaping uneven distribution of educational resources and opportunities, as well as hierarchical recognition of differences between urbanites and migrants. I have coined the term “segmented incorporation” to characterize a new receiving context, in which systematic exclusion has given way to more subtle forms of institutional segmentation which reproduces cultural prejudice and reinforces group boundaries.
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Monique Abud (April 10, 2014). The second generation of rural migrants in Shanghai. URBACHINA. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from
a useful contribution by Lan. Excellent article. I wrote this piece about Shanghai’s PISA scores and is related:
滬學生評估奪冠的光環背後 《明報》, 2014-1-3 OECD的PISA 2012年學生評估測驗,上海再奪冠,在國際(包括本港)引起不少爭議。有人認為這是中國實力上升的表現,同時也憂心戚戚,尤其有些美國人,深怕沒法與中國人競爭。反而有些人認為不必過度歡欣(或惶恐),測驗分數不代表分析能力、創造力;這樣說的人,有好幾個竟是國內的知名教育界人士。他們更認為,還要進一步檢省上海那種「應試教學」模式的弊病。最後,也有外國人認為這個分數不正常,是造假的,不具代表性。、…閲讀全文 (