CEFC short-term fieldwork grant for doctoral research on contemporary China
The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is offering three fieldwork grants for doctoral students, ranging from one to three months, to be carried out between May and December 2014 in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. The grant comprises a monthly stipend of 1200 € as well as a round-trip air ticket between Europe and China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, within the limit of 1000 €.
31 March 2014
Complete applications must be submitted in a single PDF file (max: 10 pages, 1.5 line spacing), addressed to the Director of the CEFC, by email to Alfred Aroquiame (aaroquiame@cefc.com.hk) with the subject line “Fieldwork Grant 2014”.
If sending the application by ordinary mail then it must reach the CEFC by 7 April 2014.
Alfred Aroquiame E-mail: aaroquiame@cefc.com.hk or Sebastian Veg
20/F Wanchai Central Bldg.
89 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, HK.
Tel. (852) 2876 6914 or 6910
See the call for applications on the CEFC website.
Fellowships at the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies (Paris IAS) in 2015-2016
The Paris Institute for Advanced Studies welcomes applications from all over the world from established scholars and scientists in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences and related fields for periods of five or nine months, respectively.
The Paris IAS will host twenty international guest researchers for 2014-2015 to work freely on the project of their choice, to benefit from the scientific environment of the Institute, and to create contacts with researchers in the academic institutions of Greater Paris.
30 April 2014
Paris IEA
17 Quai d’Anjou 75004 Paris
Tél. + 33 (0)1 56 81 09 17
E-mail: candidature2014@paris-iea.fr
See the call for applications on the Paris IAS website.
One year fellowship at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France (Paris)
The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1 September 2014 to study the perception of animal diseases in southeast Asia (including China, India and Indonesia).
This position takes part to the project « Social representations of pathogens at the frontiers between species », sponsored by the Axa Research Fund and led by Philippe Descola and Frédéric Keck. The goal of this three-year project is to compare the perception of animal diseases by breeders and health authorities in different parts of the Asia-Pacific area. In the course of this project, three positions will be available : Central Asia (2013), South-East Asia (2014) and Australia (2015).
- Applicants must have been awarded a PhD before the start of the contract.
- Language skills and expertise related to the area of concern
- Experience in ethnographic description and comparative theory
- Ability to engage in a collaborative research with publications and participation to scholarly activity
- Knowledge in human/animal relationships and/or medical anthropology would be appreciated
In the framework of this post-doctoral contract, the applicant will
- receive a 2200 € net salary from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015;
- benefit from the environment of the Collège de France – high-quality libraries, research seminars and teaching at the centre of Paris;
- have the financial means to do fieldwork in the area of concern under the tutorship of renowned experts of this field;
- acquire knowledge on animal diseases and participate to the activities of the team “Relations hommes/animaux : questions contemporaines” (http://las.ehess.fr/document.php?id=663);
- organize a workshop to maintain the international network of the project created by the launching workshop : “Zoonoses and emergence of new infectious diseases : when biology meets anthropology” (http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/philippe-sansonetti/symposium-2012-2013.htm).
15 April 2014
Candidates must send a CV, a sample of writing (article or PhD chapter) and a statement of suitability (less than 3000 words).
Frédéric Keck, E-mail: frederic.keck@college-de-France.fr
Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
52 rue Cardinal Lemoine
75005 Paris
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Aurélia Martin (February 23, 2014). Call for applications – CEFC, IEA (IAS), Collège de France. URBACHINA. Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/v2ph