Kunming “3015 Action Plan” launched in March 2015. The number “3015”indicates that the Chinese government is going to reconstruct ten zones ( Pan-Asia Technology New Area at Wuhua District 王家桥泛亚科技新区, Eco-tourism Demonstration Area 世博生态旅游示范区, and eight other zones), ten urban planning projects (Reconstruction Project of Santaishan at Chenggong District 呈贡三台山旧城改造项目, plus nine others) and ten Infrastructure projects (Dian Lake Navigation Construction Project 滇池航运建设工程, highway and freeway construction projects, and others). There are in total thirty projects to be finished by 2015.
The list of the entire plan can be found at the following website.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Chi-Han Ai (September 3, 2013). Kunming “3015 Action Plan”. URBACHINA. Retrieved January 21, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/v2jh