Toward a sustainable and resilient city: Development of adaptation measures to climate change
Guest Editor: Jimmy Kao, Distinguished Professor
Institute of Environmental Engineering
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Email: for paper
The earth is undergoing a warming process and humanity faces an increasing possibility that extreme natural disasters are on the rise due to climate change and global warming.
In most of the Eastern and Southeastern Asia countries, rainfall amount from typhoon events accounts for a significant portion of annual rainfall. Thus, typhoons are important sources of water in the region, while at the same time they also trigger disasters such as floods, mud and rock flow, debris flows, and landslides.
Many of these climate change impacts will be – and in some cases already have been – felt directly at the local level. Local governments have a responsibility to protect their people, property, and resources. With the economies, livelihoods, safety and character of their communities at stake, cities are harnessing their visionary leadership and policy tools to increase resilience as they prepare for the future. Thus, it is very important to understand the impact of climate change on hydrology and natural disasters to develop appropriate adaptation measures against extreme climate conditions, which are accelerated as a result.
This special issue solicits papers in, but not limited to, the following areas of the latest scientific findings, effective approaches, and state-of-the-art strategies on climate change adaptation and resilience-building in cities and urbanized areas:
1. Cities’ actions towards resilience to disasters;
2. Influence of climate change on natural disasters;
3. Changes in hydrological cycle due to climate change;
4. Environmental and ecological assessment of natural disasters;
5. Impact of climate change on food security and urban agriculture;
6. Impact of climate change on water systems;
7. Impact of climate change on global economics
8. Development of sustainable water resource and watershed management strategies;
9. Building adaptation measures to climate change and disasters;
10. Financing mechanisms to implement measures for the management of changing climate;
11. Case studies.Submission
Manuscript submission deadline is April 30, 2013. Authors who are interested in contributing to the special issue of the British Journal of Environment and Climate Change should contact Prof. Jimmy Kao before April 30, 2013 via email:
More information
British Journal of Environment and Climate Change
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Monique Abud (January 5, 2013). Call for papers for eighth special issue of BJECC. URBACHINA. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from