Special issue of China Perspectives on Chinese women.
- p.2, Editorial 2012/4 Isabelle Attané Full text available on line
- p.5, Being a Woman in China Today: A demography of gender Isabelle Attané Full text available on line
- p.17, Equality, Did You Say? Chinese feminism after 30 years of reforms Tania Angeloff • Marylène Lieber
- p.25 ,“Jumping Out of the Agricultural Gate” (tiaochu nongmen): Social mobility and gendered intra-household resource distribution among children in a central Chinese village, 1950-2012 Huang Yuqin
- p.35 , Why Women Own Less, And Why It Matters More in Rural China’s Urban Transformation Sally Sargeson
- Special Feature
- p.43, The Migration of Women from Northern China: A gender-oriented choice? Florence Lévy
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Jacqueline Nivard (December 15, 2012). Chinese women: becoming half the sky? URBACHINA. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/v2b8