Innovative planning and new-type urbanization in China: The case of Wuxi city in Jiangsu province

Wenwei Zhu, Prosper Bernard Jr., Michel Plaisent, James Ming-Hsun Chiang (2014), Innovative planning and new-type urbanization in China: The case of Wuxi city in Jiangsu province, Current Urban Studies, 2014, 2, 307-314  .


Urbanization has been a transformative process in 21st century China. This paper seeks to ex- amine the process of urbanization in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, specifically to identify the ways in which Wuxi City has engaged in new-type urbanization—an innovative pattern of urban devel- opment that seeks to integrate urban and rural development, achieve environmental sustainabil- ity, and provide for the wellbeing of an urbanized citizenry. The City’s model has potentially im- portant reference value for other cities and towns in developed areas of China that are in the process of fashioning their own innovative pattern of urbanization.

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Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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Jacqueline Nivard (December 26, 2014). Innovative planning and new-type urbanization in China: The case of Wuxi city in Jiangsu province. URBACHINA. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from

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